Sunday, February 21, 2010

Malivoire 2008 Red (Ontario)

This evening I received an email from someone I had met at the Shores of Erie Wine Festival just this past fall. Her email was about a trip her Master Tasters Program took to Niagara with stops at Calamus, Henry of Pelham and a few other wineries along the way.  She concluded her email by telling me she was having a glass of Malivoire's Guilty Men - an atypical blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Gamy and Cabernet Franc; which gave me a good idea - it was time for a glass of wine. As I rooted through my cellar I could not find a bottle of the Guilty Men, but I did have this bottle of Red, another Malivoire original blend of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Gamay. My original review came out as both a Weekly Wine Note and a Podcast last August ... and I still stand behind it today.  As conclusion I guess I should say congratulations to Tracie for completing here course, I raise a glass in a toast to her and her colleagues.  Cheers.


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